Monday, May 20, 2013

Santiago and Valparaiso, Chile

Much to my surprise Santiago is like NYC with mountains. It is big and expensive and there are Dunkin' Donuts on the street corners! Weird! 

After a couple days in Santiago I decided I really needed to go back to Buenos Aires. In the same way Santiago is like NYC, Buenos Aires is like a cool, fashionable European city.  I can go to NYC anytime, I needed more delicious coffee (sorry Dunkin'), croissants (not really per my growing gut, but really) and heaping platters of grilled meat! So off I went to Buenos Aires but not before vising another winery (this is what I am here for after all) and Valparaiso, a beautiful port city.

On the wine tour I found a new buddy, George, a 70 year old guy from Seattle who was in town with his wife who was attending a conference. Small world! The next day I was happy to find him again on the Valparaiso tour, it was nice to talk about Seattle and how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful place while visiting beautiful places. 

A note: I wasn't really aware how much I like graffiti but I really like graffiti hence all the pictures of graffiti. Enjoy!

Kitties! Sleeping! So cute!

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